Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Hold your racket loosly!

This is a key common misake in badminton , and is very important for badminton - but people don't use it while playing.

When playing your shots before , you should be relaxed with a relaxed grip!

This is so when squeezing your grip , you produce more power than when gripping throughout the stroke.

Think of it this way. Squeezing your racket makes it harder to move fast , and having a loose grip the racket moves faster , and racket speed is equal to power.

So for all shots you should do this , this is when finger power comes into badminton , and is key for deception.

When clearing just before you hit the shuttle you should grip the racket tightly.

This is the scale it should be : wheir 1 is completeley loose , 10 is fully tightened.

1-2 when you are in your base position

3-4 whilst playing the stroke

8-10 when finished the stroke to produce power.

So how does gripping the racket produce deception.

You wait until the last second then bang , you grip causing very fast movement of the racket , which results in power. So you can either not grip the racket , to produce a light shot , or grip the racket to produce a fast powerfull shot.

Good luck and implement this in your badminton game!

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