Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Badminton help - singles tactics

O.k singles tactics - as I explained before tactics are really important in badminton , and probably not only in badminton in nearly every sport.

In singles - you should play your shots in the four corners.
In singles - you should play flat clears reducing the time your opponent has to return your shots.
In singles - you should play fast drops reducing the time your opponent has to return your shots.
In singles - stamina is a big thing.
In singles - you should try to only play smashes if your opponent plays a weak shot.
In singles - you should aim your smash on the right side (if you are a right handed player opposite if your a lefty) because the most likely shot is straight back to your forehand.
In singles - you should try to disguise your shots as much as possible to keep your opponent from anticipating your shots.

Thats really it - Im not sure what else to say... for once :D.

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